GFLI/LCA GHG Calculator
GFLI/LCA GHG Calculator
U.S. Soybean Export Council is responsible for the footprint calculated using GFLI’s database (version 2.2 (published Sep 2024)) and methodology. Calculations are based upon GFLI lifecycle impact assessment (LCIA), ReCiPe. GFLI makes no warranties about the accuracy of its data or claims based on its data, and is not responsible or liable for reliance on GFLI data or methodology. GFLI does not endorse this or any product. Learn more at calculation is based upon the product and does not include any further processing or transportation.
Value formatted in the U.S. convention according to ANSI/IEEE Standards
The estimates of the carbon footprint impact of transportation are generic, are not specific to soy, and represent transportation within the U.S. They are based upon the assumption that the crops are transported from cultivation areas to a central hub, and processed commodities are transported from processing facilities to a central location. The average distance and transportation mix for the US were derived from the GREET Model. Impact assessments are based on new global warming potentials from IPCC AR6.